Wednesday, October 3, 2007

High Waisted Pants

Christina/Keira Working the Sailor Look

Amerie in High-Waisted Shorts

Eve in High-Waisted Corset Jeans

Beyonce channeling Kat Kepburn

Victoria Secret's Version of this Trend

If you haven't tried out this trend we here at "haute spot" think it's high time. Corny pun aside it really is something to spice up your wardrobe if you're in a rut. Heres why we love em.

1. They're figure enhancing.
Eve's jeans are proof of that. High-waisted pants accentuate a small waist and suck in the gut like a corset. When coupled with curved stitching at the waist they become even more figure enhancing and can help create the illusion of curves for those who have none. If you like Eve's look these Guess jeans are almost identical and not that pricey.

2. Variety is the spice of life and high-waist trend comes in oh so many forms!
Skinny high-waisted denim is trendy but when made of a nice wool or silk high-waisted pants can be classic and work appropriate like Beyonce's. Try these satin ones by Bebe, the Victoria's Secret ones shown above, or these at Shopbop. They're also great for evoking a retro nautical theme as in the case of Knightley and X-tina. the possibilities are endless.

3. Good for any shape.
As we mentioned before those with skinny pant legs and curved stitching can make a bombshell out of a boy shape. If you have big hips balance your proportions by going for high-waisted pants with a wide leg. If you're short this style will naturally make your legs look a mile long. Gut? This nips and tucks.

There ya have it. We just love it. Happy buying!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You write very well.